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6 entries.
Lฤƒcrฤƒmioara Lฤƒcrฤƒmioara from Timisoara wrote on March 2, 2020 at 9:24 am
A fost o zi, in care ingerii mi-au soptit: Ai nevoie de cineva in calatoria pe care iti doresti sa o incepi. Iar in aceea zi, mi-a zburat gandul la Dan, pe care il vazusem o singura data, in urma cu 3 ani, pret de cateva minute pretioase, la un eveniment si GATA. Cam asta a fost. Si in aceea zi, mi-a zburat gandul la Dan, mi-am amintit cum m-a facut sa ma simt in aceea zi, in care m-a facut sa simt : EU CONTEZ si cate intrebari mi-a trezit in mine, in inima mea. Se pare ca, dupa 3 ani, am fost pregatita sa asimilez ceea ce Dan, urma sa sadeasca in MINE. Eu focusata pe rezultate (exterior) si foarte departe de mine. El focusat pe esential, conducandu-ma cu dragoste catre mine. Am ajuns sa citesc o carte in nici o saptamana, iar la incept era doar o dorinta constienta, nu reuseam, acum am inteles de ce nu reuseam. Credeam despre mine ca nu sunt capabila, ba mai mult, ca nu sunt desteapta cum sunt altii si atunci, cum oare as fi reusit eu sa pun in aplicare constient ceea ce eu gandeam, cand de fapt 95% e subconstient si suntem condusi de el. Si totusi .... efortul constient depus de mine, simtind ca EL crede imi mine (mai mult decat credeam eu in mine, eu aproape deloc) m-a dus in calatorie mai departe. Si a reusit, sa ma faca sa ma uit in arhiva emotionala cu curaj, si a reusit sa ma faca sa observ avantajele din experientele negative din viata mea ... faptul ca reusesc sa vad partea pozitiva a evenimentelor din viata mea este un instrument vital pentru mine. Multumesc pentru energia pe care mi-ai oferit-o cu atata dragoste. Forever, multumesc๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•Š๐ŸŒž๐Ÿงš๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿฆ‹. Dan a pus o caramida esentiala a ceea ce sunt eu azi! Dragoste si recunostinta.
Maria Cusnir Maria Cusnir from Bucharest wrote on August 23, 2019 at 10:01 am
Participarea la cursul "Theatre meets Business" sustinut de Dan Vasile a fost o experienta extraordinara! Exemplele si tehnicile de teatru aplicate adesea in mediul de business mi-au lasat un gust de amuzament si stare de bine! Notitele mele includ notiuni diverse: intuitie, punct de concentrare, recalibrare, curatarea de frustrari, "Start before you're ready"; drivere de motivatie. Ma bucur enorm ca am avut o zi in care m-am simtit imbogatita emotional!
Patricia Nistor Patricia Nistor from Cluj wrote on June 11, 2019 at 6:13 pm
Dan, working with you represented a great help in my professional development and you gaved me the instruments to overcome my obstacles. The sessions with you had an important, meaningful part in my own awarness and gave me the courage to take important decisions regarding my career. I am thankful for your help and I wish you success with your future plans.
Bogdan Baractaru Bogdan Baractaru from Bucharest wrote on April 11, 2019 at 2:40 pm
Dan, you are an extraordinary, dynamic and authentic person and I really appreciate this qualities at you! It was a real pleasure for me to interact with you, both personally and professionally. I'm lucky to have worked together and I think all our sessions have helped me develop myself and that's why I would like to thank you for all the attention and advices I have received. I wish you great success and hope to have the chance to work together in the future!
Roxanna Hertz Roxanna Hertz from London, UK wrote on April 8, 2019 at 10:26 am
I saw Dan at a point in my life when i knew i wanted to take myself to a higher level professionally but felt I lacked all the instruments to do so. He not only helped me navigate some sensible work related circumstances, but helped me define my personal brand and my vision for my career. I liked that his approach was thorough and to the point, but in a human and practical way - that made the process much more enjoyable. I still use the principles we worked on together and my only regret is not having continued our work for a longer period.
Geta B. Geta B. wrote on April 7, 2019 at 12:39 pm
It was a pleasure to work with Dan. He was our MC Coach in many social & business events dedicated to women. He led smooth but firm all the audience by mixing his contagious humour with really powerful and unlocking questions helping us discover our hidden potential. Thanks, Dan!